A method for measuring the activity of the gastropyloroduodenal unit in man

Dr John Dent from the University of Adelaide had invented the perfused sleeve catheter for measuring the pressures across a mobile sphincter. He incorporated this into a multilumen catheter assembly for recording the contractile activity in the stomach, pylorus and duodenum in human subjects. My experience with measuring transmucosal potential difference allowed this catheter to be positioned accurately at the gastroduodenal junction. On sabbatical to Adelaide and applying this method, we were able to define in detail the normal contractile activity across the pylorus under fed and fasted conditions, and in response to infusion of lipid into the duodenum.

  1. Houghton, L.A., Heddle, R., Maddern, G.J., Read, N.W., Downton, J., Toouli, J., Dent, J. (1988) Motor activity of the gastric antum, pylorus and duodenum under fasted conditions and after a liquid meal. Gastroenterology 94: 1276-1284.
  2. Houghton, L.A., Read, N.W., Heddle, R., Horowitz, N., Collins, P.J., Chatterton, B., Dent, J. (1988) The relationship between the motor activity of the antrum, pylorus and duodenum emptying of a solid-liquid mixed meal. Gastroenterology 94: 1285-1291.
  3. Heddle, R., Dent, J., Read, N.W., Houghton, L.A., Toouli, J., Horowitz, M., Maddern, G.J. and Downton, J. (1988) Antropyloroduodenal motor responses to intraduodenal lipid infusion in healthy volunteers. Am. J. Physiol. 254: G671-G679.